Topics covered ACCU meetings 1988 - 2024

In addition to the standard items “News from CERN Management”, “Report on services from SCE and IT departments”, and “Users’ Office News”, the following topics have been covered at ACCU meetings:
Meeting No. Date Topics
144 June 2024 CERN 70th anniversary program
The new Welcome Center in B33 Project
Data Privacy at CERN
143 March 2024 Building Consolidation at CERN
Space Management at CERN
Update on the Situation of Ukrainian Users
142 December 2023 The B777 project
Reports on Services from the IT Department
Update on the Situation of Ukrainian Users
141 September 2023 CERN Academic Training Program
CERN Cardiovascular Campaign
GIS Information Portal
Reports on Services from the IT Department
Email security and Privacy
Update on the Situation of Ukrainian Users
140 June 2023 CERN Mail Service
Heat Wave Action Plan
Diversity and Inclusion at CERN
Update on the Situation of Ukrainian Users
139 March 2023 Situation of the Ukrainian Users
CERN Medical Service
CERN Visits Service
138 December 2022 Situation of Ukrainian users
Report from the SIPB
Cyber Security at CERN
137 September 2022 Situation of Ukrainian users
Presentation of the new IT Department
Report on services from the SCE department
136 June 2022

Situation of Ukrainian users
Report on Mobility

Report on Learning and Development
Report on services from the SCE department

Report from Staff Association on CERN User Taxation and COLA

135 March 2022

CERN's support to our Ukrainian colleagues
Situation of Ukrainian users
Working Group on Strengthening the Support for Users at CERN
Report on services from the IT department
Report on services from the SCE department
Status of new Health Insurance for MPAs

134 November 2021

IT strategy, direction, and services to the user community
Working Group on Strengthening the Support for Users at CERN

Social Affairs Service
Library renovation proposal
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Restaurants' Supervisory committee
Status of new Health Insurance for MPAs
Medical follow-up of Radiation Workers

133 September 2021 Working Group on Strengthening the Support for Users at CERN
The CERN Ombud
132 June 2021 Working Group on Strengthening the Support for Users at CERN
New incident management rule and incident declaration
A new Health Insurance for MPAs
131 March 2021 Working Groups on Support for Experiments
The new SCE department and report on services from SCE department
Anti-money laundering framework at CERN
Health Insurance for MPAs
130 December 2020 Anti-Harassment Framework and Support Structures
Summary on Internal Taxation certificate change and proposed clarification of the legal framework
Taxation of subsistence - Staff Association's opinion and actions
129 September 2020 The CERN Visit Service
Covid-19 at CERN
Update on Internal Taxation certificate change
128 June 2020 Update on Internal Taxation certificate change
127 March 2020 Meeting CANCELED due to the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic
126 December 2019 CERN's carbon footprint
Duty Travel + AC33: Changes effective as of January 2020
Health Insurance and Social Security: Information on A1 certificates in Germany, Health Insurance Survey by US LHC Users Association
Update on Internal Taxation certificate change
125 September 2019 Apple Battery Recall Program
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Academic Training Committee, Scientific Information Policy Board (SIPB)
124 June 2019 CERN and Environment
The CERN Science Gateway
Status and Planning of the Open Days in September 2019
Update on Internal Taxation certificate change
CERN access for retired Users
123 March 2019 Update on Microsoft licenses
The CERN WiFi project
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Mobility Working Group, Restaurants' Supervisory Committee
Update on Internal Taxation certificate change
122 December 2018 Update on the Vidyo status and future plans
Staff Association offers for Users
Internal Taxation certificate change
121 September 2018 CERN's occupational Health & Safety and Environmental protection Unit (HSE)
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Housing Service Review
120 June 2018 Microsoft licenses at CERN
The CERN Ombudsperson
Staff Association and the links with Users
119 March 2018 40 years of ACCU: The beginnings; CERN in the 1980s
Data Privacy Protection
Navigator to the full tree of CERN services
118 December 2017 Use of software licensed through CERN
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Mobility Working Group
European regulations for ‘posted workers’
117 September 2017 Experience with the new Bat. 40 WiFi system
Migration of analogue phones
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Academic Training Committee (ATC)
116 May 2017 WannaCry danger and mitigation
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Restaurants' Supervisory committee (CSR)
Driving a CERN vehicle in the European Union
115 March 2017 News from the CERN Library
Summer Student Statistics
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Scientific Information Policy Board (SIPB)
114 December 2016 Proposal for AFS phase-out
Digital Privacy Statement
The Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Protection unit HSE
eCars at CERN
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Housing Service Review
113 September 2016 The International School Ferney-Voltaire / St. Genis
The CERN Alumni Project
Changes in rules to obtain dosimeters
Changes of CHIS health insurance rules for MPAs
112 June 2016 The new International Relations sector
Results of Users' Survey on Communication
Questions and Answers on UBS Issues
111 March 2016 The new Microcosm
Health Insurance status
110 December 2015 Strategic Communications Plan 2016-2020
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Academic Training Committee
109 September 2015 Access control and parking news
60 years of Staff Association
The CERN Ombuds
Visits opportunities at CERN
108 June 2015 Collaboration between CERN and HUG
50th anniversary of the CERN Bulletin
Progress on Health Insurance Project for Users
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Restaurants' Supervisory committee
107 March 2015 Change of the portable phone contract from Sunrise to Swisscom
Progress on Health Insurance Project for Users
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Scientific Information Policy Board (SIPB)
106 December 2014 CERNbox service
The new approach to the CERN Safety Policy and Safety Organisation
Recent developments in dosimetry + medical services support for Users
Progress on Health Insurance Project for Users
105 September 2014 Mobility: flow analysis for bikes, cars, bat. 33 access, Globe parking
Lync service – phone calls and collaboration
Progress on Health Insurance Project for Users
104 June 2014 Heartbleed and its consequences
Progress on Health Insurance Project for Users
Report from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Academic Training Committee
103 March 2014 Progress on Health Insurance Project for Users
Election of a new ACCU Chairperson
102 December 2013 Hotel Reservation System
The CERN Library: 24h/24, 365d/365 for all users
Progress on Health Insurance Project for Users
Report from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Accommodation Facilities Working Group
101 September 2013 Progress on Health Insurance Project for Users
Report from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Scientific Information Policy Board (SIPB), IT Service Review Meeting
100 June 2013 25 years of ACCU
Status of the Health Insurance Project for Users
Public WiFi at CERN
Report from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Restaurants' Supervisory Committee
99 March 2013 Overview on Service Desk and Management status
CHIS/UNIQA health insurance issues
CERN Team & Collaboration Accounts
Diversity at CERN
Report from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Academic Training Committee
98 December 2012 Status of Vidyo
Health insurance issues
Usage of Gate E for family members and opening times
97 September 2012 New CERN Authentication and Authorization, and CERN Data Protection Policy
Report from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Scientific Information Policy Board SIPB
96 June 2012 Experience with the Service Desk
Report from ACCU representatives on other Committees: IT Service Review Meeting
95 March 2012 Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Restaurants' Supervisory Committee, Accommodation Facilities Working Group
94 December 2011 Update on CHIS for users, including new rules 2012
Creche "Jardin de Capucine" – status
Report on Summer Students
Users Organization in the U.S. (US LUO)
European social security card
93 September 2011 New users pre-registration tool (PRT)
92 June 2011 Update on Safety at CERN
Reports from ACCU representatives on other Committees: Scientific Information Policy Board SIPB, IT Service Review Meeting ITSRM, GS User Commission
91 March 2011 New Service Desk
The new account management system
90 December 2010 The CERN Ombuds
Creche progress + Restaurants
89 September 2010 The CERN Summer Student program
Bringing library services to users
88 June 2010 CERN Global Network
CERN Code of Conduct
87 March 2010 Report on services from GS department
86 December 2009 Restaurant 1 extension
Election of the ACCU Chair
85 September 2009 Code of Conduct Equal
Opportunities at CERN
The CERN shuttle service
84 June 2009 Preliminary results of User survey
The CERN Social Affairs Service
User services in GS Department
83 March 2009 The CERN Press Office
The Burotel project
82 December 2008 Report from the new Director-General
Fellows and Associates programme
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (SIPB; Restaurant Committee; DTF)
81 September 2008 Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Accommodation Facilities Working group; Restaurant Committee;)
80 June 2008 Childcare initiative
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Accommodation Facilities Working group; Restaurant Committee; SIPB; DTF)
79 March 2008 The CERN Ombudsperson proposal
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Accommodation Facilities Working group)
78 December 2007 LHC 2008 start-up events
Emergency services at CERN
The Meyrin Tram project
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee; SIPB; DTF)
77 September 2007 Logistics and transport at CERN
Car sharing pilot project
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee; SIPB)
76 June 2007 Dosimetry at CERN
Status of collaborative tools at CERN
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee;
Academic Training Committee; SIPB; DTF)
Ombudsperson initiative
75 March 2007 Car sharing pilot project
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee;
74 December 2006 Safety at CERN
Car sharing project status
CERN Public Web Sites and Intranet
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee;
Establishing a sponsoring consortium for Open Access publishing in particle physics)
73 September 2006 Changes to the Fellows and Associates Programme
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee)
72 June 2006 Car sharing pilot project
The CERN Document Server: the portal to Open Access
Videoconferencing and collaborative tools at CERN
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee)
71 March 2006 Proposal for a centralised access control service
Report from PH Space Management Policy Board
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee, Academic Training Committee)
70 December 2005 Closure of computer accounts upon CERN contract expiry
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Committee, Desktop Forum)
69 September 2005 Open Access Publishing
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Scientific Information Policy Board, Desktop Forum)
68 June 2005 New Service Desk
The new account management system
67 March 2005 Purchasing procedures at CERN
CERN clubs
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Supervisory Committee, Housing Fund Committee, Scientific Information Policy Board)
66 December 2004 The effects of the reorganization of CERN's structure, one year on
Computer Security
The new CERN dosimeter
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Supervisory Committee, Housing Fund Committee)
Results from the Users’ Office questionnaire
65 September 2004 The Visits Service
Lifetime of Computer Accounts
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Restaurant Supervisory Committee, Housing
64 June 2004 Update on CERN’s 50th anniversary celebrations
Report from the EPOG (European Particle Physics Outreach Group)
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Desktop Forum, Scientific Information Policy Board)
63 March 2004 The Physics Department
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Logistics Advisory Committee, Academic Training Committee, Scientific Information Policy Board)
62 December 2003 Report from the new Director General
CERN’s 50th anniversary
Report from IT division on Computing Matters
The Young Particle Physicists Association
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Housing Fund Committee, Desktop Forum, and Restaurant Supervisory Committee)
Election of the ACCU Chair
61 September 2003 Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Academic Training Committee, Scientific Information Policy Board)
The CERN Education and Communication Group
Equal Opportunities at CERN
Registration plans for portables
60 June 2003 Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Housing Fund Committee, Desktop Forum, Scientific Information Policy Board)
Property Protection at CERN
59 March 2003 Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Housing Fund Committee, Restaurant Committee)
Health insurance news and survey
Equipment insurance on site
ACCU reporting mechanisms
58 December 2002 Fellows, Associates and Summer Student Programmes
Particle Data Book distribution
Revoking Computer accounts
Equipment insurance on site
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Desktop Forum)
57 September 2002 Health Insurance Questionnaire
Host States Relations Service
Update on EP Space management
56 June 2002 CERN Cars
PIE procedures
EP Electronics Advisory Board
55 March 2002 CERN Health Insurance Scheme
Follow-up on Space management
Users’ Desktop needs
54 December 2001 Housing
Restaurant Supervisory Committee
53 September 2001 Logistics and self-service stores
EP Space management follow-up
How to improve IT User Support?
52 June 2001 EP Space management
EDH from the User's point of view
51 March 2001 Operational Circular No. 6
Fellows programme
Update on Computing Issues
50 December 2000 Equal Opportunities at CERN
The Summer Student programme
CERN Programme for Physics High School Teachers
49 September 2000 Report from ETT Division: The Press Office
Report from the Scientific Information Policy Board
Update on Computing Issues
48 June 2000 Revoking Computer Accounts
The CERN Visits Service
Housing Fund report
47 March 2000 The structure and role of ETT Division
Revoking Computer Accounts
46 December 1999 Outsourcing for orders < CHF 5000
Radiation Protection
Scientific Information Policy Board
45 September 1999 Open Access Publishing
Reports from ACCU representatives on other committees (Scientific Information Policy Board, Desktop Forum)
44 June 1999 Radiation Protection
Electronic Document Handling
Social Security for Users
Use of CERN Computing Facilities
43 March 1999 Social Security for Users
Graduate Students at CERN
42 December 1998 The CERN Stores
Physics Courses for Teachers
The CERN Kindergarten
41 September 1998 Policy for VMS and VXCERN
Funding for Basic Research in the EU
40 June 1998 WWW Access to Administrative Applications
Funding for the Library
Use of CERN Cars
Housing Fund report
39 March 1998 Report from SAPOCO
Outreach in Europe
Funding for the Library
Report from EPAC
Review of Written CERN Communications
Club Activities at CERN
38 December 1997 Desktop Forum report
News from Member States: the future
Open Meeting
37 September 1997 News from Member States
Travelling Exhibitions
Research Sector Restructuring
A future open meeting
36 June 1997 Software Standards
Video Conferencing
Report from the Housing Fund
News from Member States
35 March 1997 The CERN Library
Access Control
Telephone Equipment
Low Cost Accommodation
34 December 1996 News from Member States
Computer Aided Engineering
Building 40 Progress Report
33 September 1996 News from Member States
Low Cost Accommodation
CERN Exhibitions
Electronics Pool Advisory Committee
World Wide Web
32 June 1996 News from Member States
Low Cost Accommodation
Relations with the Host States
31 March 1996 News from Member States
Life after CERNVM
The CERN Library
The World Wide Web
30 December 1995 News from Member States
Staff Matters
The running down of CERNVM
29 September 1995 News from Member States
Status Report on Building 40
General Safety Policy at CERN
Low Cost Accommodation
Staff Rules and Regulations
28 June 1995 Fellows and Associates
News from Member States
27 March 1995 News from Member States
Fellows and Associates
26 December 1994 News from Member States
Stores Cards
Electronic Pool Advisory Committee
Medical Service
Video Conferencing
25 September 1994 News from Member States
Electronic Pool Advisory Committee
Medical Service
Low cost accommodation
Antennae at CERN
24 June 1994 News from Member States
Migration (of Scientists in Europe)
Electronic Pool Advisory Committee
Restaurant Committee
Housing Fund Committee
23 March 1994 The States of ACCU
Relationship to the Staff Association
Electronic Pool Advisory Committee
Reports from ACCU Representatives on CERN Committees
CERN Annual Report
22 December 1993 Desktop Computing for Experiments + Divisional Responsibilities
The 1993 European Radiation Protection Directive
Use of CERN Cars
Finance and Accounting
21 September 1993 Restaurant No. 1 Upgrade
Use of CERN Cars
New Hostel and CERN Apartments
20 June 1993 Workshop Services at CERN
Telephone billing review
The work of the sub-group “Status of women at CERN”
19 March 1993 Restaurant No. 1
Library Matters
Computing at CERN
Status of women at CERN
Users’ Office Function
18 December 1992 New Hostel
Telephone billing
Cycle tracks
Academic Training
Electronics Pool Advisory Committee
Desk Top Publishing (DTP)
17 September 1992 Fellows and Associates
Safety at CERN
16 May 1992 Results of the Creche Survey
Academic Training Committee
Telephone billing
The Evian LHC Meeting
Restaurant Supervisory Committee report
15 March 1992 Finance and Accounting for Visiting Teams
Overview of Computing at CERN
Club Activities at CERN
14 November 1991 Question and Answer session with the Director General
The CERN Housing Service
The CERN Medical Service
CERN Restaurant Committee Report
CERN Library
13 September 1991 The Role and Work of ACCU
Office Space
Access Cards
CERN Library
The CERN Housing Service
12 June 1991 The restructured PPE Division
The Fellows and Associates Service
Research Sector Electronics Pool: new regulations
The CERN Library
11 February 1991 The CERN Nursery School and Garderie
The restructured CN Division
Report on the Desk Top Publishing Service
10 December 1990 The impact of CERN’s Financial Problems on
Services to Users
9 October 1990 Academic and Technical Training
The CERN Nursery School and Garderie
Safety at CERN
8 July 1990 Financial and Insurance Cover for Users
The Subsistence Survey
Divisional Restructuring
Fellows and Associates Programme
7 March 1990 Financial and Insurance Coverage for Users
Divisional Restructuring
The Research Sector
St. Genis Hostel
6 December 1989 Financial and Insurance Cover for Unpaid Associates
Typing, editing and drawing services at CERN
EP Electronics pool
Theft and security audit
5 September 1989 Computing
4 June 1989 Transportation
Integration of family members
Links between ACCU members and their communities
3 April 1989 Instruments of understanding
Insurance cover and financial situation of users
Information to users
2 January 1989 Housing
Office space for users
User Office
Instruments of understanding
CERN identity card
1 December 1988 CERN at the service of its scientific users
Links between ACCU members and their communities
User representation on CERN Committees
Survey of topics to be discussed by ACCU
Updated on